Monday, October 17, 2011

Don't look at this!

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Submitted by:
Christian Dominic B. Marbella
Elijah Jeremiah L. Barba

Submitted to:
Mrs. Myrna Duremdes

Title: Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Characters: Greg; Rowley; Rodrick; Frank; Susan
Setting: School; Neighborhood
The book opens with Greg Heffley saying how bad his life is with his family, and his best friend Rowley Jefferson, whom Greg worries about, and the moldy cheese on the playground, telling how once a kid named Darren Walsh touched it, and it started a link called the "Cheese Touch."
Greg faces many hardships, including Halloween. As Greg and Rowley go Trick-or-Treating, they anger some teenagers who chase them. They barely escape but manage to get to Greg's grandma's house, the teenagers see them inside and so Gregg and Rowley taunt them. Not all goes to plan though and when they get home and Greg's dad, who was hassled by kids, throws water at them and the water soaks their candy.
The Wizard of Oz play is also a hardship for Greg, Patty Farell, who does Dorothy, is coming on stage, and since Greg is a Tree, he thinks he can throw apples at her, but the director takes it out for health and safety. Mrs. Norton, the music director, tries to make the Trees sing an embarrassing song, but on the night nobody sings out of fear and the play is ruined.
Greg and Rowley's friendship is starting to fall apart. Greg invents a game where one person would throw a football to make the other fall off the Big Wheel, A gift Rowley got for Christmas, however when Rowley falls off ,he breaks his arm. Greg is jealous of the attention Rowley is getting. Rowley is also framed for scaring kindergardeners, when it was Greg wearing Rowley's coat. When Greg confesses, Greg is kicked out, and Rowley is promoted. Rowley also declares himself the owner of a comic strip, Zoo-Wee-Mama, that was created by Greg and Rowley, but Greg drops out to make his own comic strip. The two stop being friends.
Greg and Rowley get into a fight at the blacktop, when the teenagers from Halloween come, and grab Greg and Rowley. They make Rowley eat the cheese, and are to make Greg do it too, but Greg finds a way out. The students however notice the cheese is gone. Greg, being a good friend to Rowley, lies and says he threw it away, but this gives Greg the Cheese Touch. Greg and Rowley becomes friends again, and Greg begins to see the good advantages of having the Cheese Touch.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Science Journal Entry

The Puppet Show Entry
by: Kim Mirabuena & Elijah Barba

Today, we performed a puppet show for our Filipino subject.It was successful without any practice and it was also fun,I wonder how it became successful without any practice....Hmmm....I know! Maybe it was because we used different skills such as observing.We observed the groups before us and determined what things we should concentrate on,like focusing on whether our puppets are facing the audience or not.Before the date of our performance,we estimated the time that we would be using because we were only given limited time,two minutes to be exact.
After the performance,we celebrated! We contrasted and compared our performance to the performance of other groups.In our opinion,we may not be the best,but we were sure that we gave them our finest ....


Waste Segregation
by:Christine Antiquera
            Waste Segregation is a great way to further reduce the occurence of flood and waste production.
     As a student,we should help promote the waste segregation program in school and in our community.
     We should be role models to others,so that they may follow you.
         1.First of all,the students shouls know where to throw this/that:
  • BLUE TRASH BIN (Non-Biodegradable materials)
    a.plastics(polyethylene,nylon,rayon,polyrester,lexan,pvc(polyvinyl chloride),dacron).                                                    

          c.ceramics(carbon fiber,fiberglass,kevlar)
          f.circuit boards,silicon based materials
          g.noble gases and more

  •   GREEN TRASH BIN(Biodegradable materials)        
    e.fruit peelings
  •   PINK TRASH BIN(Residual wastes)
    a.candy wrappers
    b.wet papers

    2.If I will see students who will throw their trashes in improper places,I will tell them some benefits and importance of segregating their waste,like: reduces the occurence of flood. keeps our surroundings clean avoids us for having diseases
         d.the trashes would be oraganized(the recycled materials will be recycled)
      I will let them realize that segregating their garbages is important.

    3.I will throw my garbages in proper bins,so that they can follow what I'm doing and if the follow me how to segregate waste,our school will be very clean and fresh.                                                                                                    

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

English Entry

Sir Dustine Bonilla
By Dave Velasco and Elijah Jeremiah Barba

Name: Sir Dustine Bonilla

Age: 21

Birth date: December 9, 1989

Horoscope: Sagittarius

Place of Birth: Manila Chinese General Hospital

Favorite Songs: Reflective/Inspirational songs

Favorite Color: Lavender Blue

Favorite Artist: Adam Sandlers

Motto: To know the good is to do the good!

We chose Sir Dustine to be our modern hero because he may not look like a superhero but he is super in his own way. Here is our interview with him.
Q: Why did you chose to be a teacher?
A: Experiences in seminary formation, mission being part of the redemptionist team

Q: Why in SAA?
A: I don't usually select schools, just a coincidence or maybe God really wants me to work and share my life in SAA.

Q: What other subject do you want to teach aside from C.L.E?
A: Aside from C.L.E., I want to teach Philosophy

Q: Do you consider yourself as a hero?
A: Yes, for me a hero is somebody who does not posses special powers to make the impossible things possible. A hero for me is a person who utilizes his abilities and potentials to server his community, knows how to manage and share his time with others and most of all capable of sharing his life to his people.

Q: What other jobs did you want to have before becoming a teacher?
A: First a Seminarian to becoming a priest and now being a teacher.

Q: What are your personal views on SAA?
A: SAA is a product of love and compassion by the historical people/persons who dedicated their passion and soul for the Kingdom of God. Lastly, SAA is an unending story because we are the continuation of her history!


For us, a modern hero is someone that inspires us and helps us. He is not like a hero that does impossible things. He may not throw fireballs, or read minds, but for us, he has the BEST power no other superhero has! His faith of God is his shield against the evils of this world.

Sir Dustine Bonilla, Our Hero, 1989-Present

Monday, August 22, 2011

Science Journal Entry

Biodegradable Plastic: Is It Really Biodegradable?
By Dave Velasco

This is an experiment I thought of when Kevin and I bought a blank CD from JY. They claim that their plastic is biodegradable- but is it really true? We did this experiment for roughly 2 months (we started before the blog project was announced). The plastic was put inside a box full of loam soil and we placed it outside the house to react to the natural environment.

Here is our observations:

WEEK 1: Almost no changes at all.

WEEK 2: The plastic is a bit thinner than before.

WEEK 3: The plastic became even thinner and there is a bit of discoloration.

WEEK 4: The plastic became very thin.

WEEK 5: The smell of the plastic has change. It is odor-less.

WEEK 6: The plastic became white.

WEEK 7: The plastic is starting to "melt".

WEEK 8: The physical appearance is incredibly different from the first time we got the plastic. The shape, size and smell are completely different.

CONCLUSION: Biodegradable plastic exists!

English Entry

By Christine Antiquera

Our Modern-Day Hero.
When one would hear the word “hero”, he/she would automatically think of SUPERheroes. Superheroes like Batman, Thor and Mister Terrific. One would also think of people like Hercules or even Beowulf. The dictionary meaning of hero is someone who is admired for their  brave and noble acts. We can be heroes in our own ways. We need not  save a person from falling or kill a monster. Simple but true acts of kindness deem us heroes and heroines in our own simple ways.
One person who showed this is Maria Mary Jean Bermejo or as many call her ‘’Manang Jean”, a familiar face in the grade school grounds.
She is 48 years old and looking forward to more years. She works 8 hours a day at St. Agnes Academy, cleaning comfort rooms, grass areas, classrooms and the occasional vomitus on the floor. One would often find her sweeping fallen leaves or taking out the garbage. She has been doing these for the past  8 years . When asked why she does these, she replied” Dito kasi ako nabubuhay, wala akong magagawa.’’ She finds fulfilment though  in her job, knowing that no matter how minimal her tasks is, she helps in taking care of Mother Earth.
She promotes the Waste Segregation Program faithfully. She is very much aware that the Waste Segregation Program is divided into 3 parts Recyclable, Residual and Biodegradable. She notices though that students in St. Agnes are often confused where to throw their garbage. Luckily the students have Manang Jean , who like a mother teaches them the proper procedure and reprimands those who forget to be clean and orderly. Being employed in this school, she too has imbibed the Benedictine values, thus not only is Manang focused on her job, she too is very religious, attending mass every Sunday and holidays of obligation.
We see, Manang Jean as our modern day hero for she cares for the school., she shares her knowledge to the students on how to keep the school orderly and she dares to  make changes to improve the environment. She shows us that one doesn’t need superpowers or excessive wealth to become a hero. With just a rag, a broomstick , a heart and mind set to help others and our nature, You, a normal human being, can become a hero in your own way. So what are you , waiting for?  Go and be a hero!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Name: Christine May Antiquera
Birthday: March 28, 1998
Age: 13
E-Mail Address:
I define myself as nice, friendly, trustworthy, with braces and kinda tall. I love to play guitar, jam with friends, LAUGH and SMILE :) 
Name: Kim Colleen Mirabuena
Birthday: March 24, 1999
Age: 12
E-Mail Address: 
I LOVE J.K. ROWLING AND HARRY POTTER... I AM WEIRD, FRIENDLY, NICE  and MY motto in life is "i'd rather be hated for who i am than to be loved for who i am not....."

Name: Aira Casim
Birthday: August 15, 1998
Age: 12
E-Mail Address:
I am friendly, fun to be with, nice, truthful, loyal, trustworthy, and stylish. I love to dance, sing, and play the piano! :) And most of all, I am a TRUE FRIEND.


Name: Elijah Jeremiah Barba
Birthday:  August 27, 1998
Age: 12
E-Mail Address:
I am awesome!! \m/

Name: Dave Velasco
Birthday:  September 12, 1997
Age: 13
E-Mail Address:
I'm techy and geeky. I'm a bit of a dreamer. My goals and dreams are far-fetched but I am 110% sure I can achieve them! 

Name: John Rolly Aguilar
Birthday:September 16,1999
I love to play computer games,I am friendly,kind and cheerful :)

Name: Kyle Macaraig
Birthday:March 1,1998
Age: 13
E-mail Address:
I like to play computer games,I am kind,I love to laugh.