Tuesday, August 23, 2011

English Entry

Sir Dustine Bonilla
By Dave Velasco and Elijah Jeremiah Barba

Name: Sir Dustine Bonilla

Age: 21

Birth date: December 9, 1989

Horoscope: Sagittarius

Place of Birth: Manila Chinese General Hospital

Favorite Songs: Reflective/Inspirational songs

Favorite Color: Lavender Blue

Favorite Artist: Adam Sandlers

Motto: To know the good is to do the good!

We chose Sir Dustine to be our modern hero because he may not look like a superhero but he is super in his own way. Here is our interview with him.
Q: Why did you chose to be a teacher?
A: Experiences in seminary formation, mission being part of the redemptionist team

Q: Why in SAA?
A: I don't usually select schools, just a coincidence or maybe God really wants me to work and share my life in SAA.

Q: What other subject do you want to teach aside from C.L.E?
A: Aside from C.L.E., I want to teach Philosophy

Q: Do you consider yourself as a hero?
A: Yes, for me a hero is somebody who does not posses special powers to make the impossible things possible. A hero for me is a person who utilizes his abilities and potentials to server his community, knows how to manage and share his time with others and most of all capable of sharing his life to his people.

Q: What other jobs did you want to have before becoming a teacher?
A: First a Seminarian to becoming a priest and now being a teacher.

Q: What are your personal views on SAA?
A: SAA is a product of love and compassion by the historical people/persons who dedicated their passion and soul for the Kingdom of God. Lastly, SAA is an unending story because we are the continuation of her history!


For us, a modern hero is someone that inspires us and helps us. He is not like a hero that does impossible things. He may not throw fireballs, or read minds, but for us, he has the BEST power no other superhero has! His faith of God is his shield against the evils of this world.

Sir Dustine Bonilla, Our Hero, 1989-Present

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