Monday, August 22, 2011

English Entry

By Christine Antiquera

Our Modern-Day Hero.
When one would hear the word “hero”, he/she would automatically think of SUPERheroes. Superheroes like Batman, Thor and Mister Terrific. One would also think of people like Hercules or even Beowulf. The dictionary meaning of hero is someone who is admired for their  brave and noble acts. We can be heroes in our own ways. We need not  save a person from falling or kill a monster. Simple but true acts of kindness deem us heroes and heroines in our own simple ways.
One person who showed this is Maria Mary Jean Bermejo or as many call her ‘’Manang Jean”, a familiar face in the grade school grounds.
She is 48 years old and looking forward to more years. She works 8 hours a day at St. Agnes Academy, cleaning comfort rooms, grass areas, classrooms and the occasional vomitus on the floor. One would often find her sweeping fallen leaves or taking out the garbage. She has been doing these for the past  8 years . When asked why she does these, she replied” Dito kasi ako nabubuhay, wala akong magagawa.’’ She finds fulfilment though  in her job, knowing that no matter how minimal her tasks is, she helps in taking care of Mother Earth.
She promotes the Waste Segregation Program faithfully. She is very much aware that the Waste Segregation Program is divided into 3 parts Recyclable, Residual and Biodegradable. She notices though that students in St. Agnes are often confused where to throw their garbage. Luckily the students have Manang Jean , who like a mother teaches them the proper procedure and reprimands those who forget to be clean and orderly. Being employed in this school, she too has imbibed the Benedictine values, thus not only is Manang focused on her job, she too is very religious, attending mass every Sunday and holidays of obligation.
We see, Manang Jean as our modern day hero for she cares for the school., she shares her knowledge to the students on how to keep the school orderly and she dares to  make changes to improve the environment. She shows us that one doesn’t need superpowers or excessive wealth to become a hero. With just a rag, a broomstick , a heart and mind set to help others and our nature, You, a normal human being, can become a hero in your own way. So what are you , waiting for?  Go and be a hero!

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